The Narrow World. (2017). Directed by Brent Bonacorso.
Original score by Cedie Janson.

"a sci-fi mood piece—soulful and aesthetically gorgeous."
- Short Film of the Week

"The Narrow World surprises the viewer, not only with its atypical plot,
but also with its stunning visual effects."
- Vice Creators

Written and Directed by Brent Bonacorso
Cinematography by Magdalena Gorka
Editing by Jack Pyland
Produced by Thom Fennessey + Magdalena Gorka + Kacper Sawicki
Visual Effects by Brent Bonacorso + Eric Smit
Production Design by Loren Lyons
Sound Design Blazej Kafarski / Glosno
Color by Anka Sujka / Lunapark

Karim Saleh
Julia Cavanaugh
Scott Bailey Gagain